Hello and Welcome! For those of you who are new to Signature, we would like to tell you a little about ourselves. We are a smaller, family-owned, and operated company. Signature has been serving most of Central Ohio since 1992. We offer a satisfaction guarantee. If there’s something you’re not pleased with, we’ll come back and take care of it, free of charge. We’re on Angie’s List and also a member of the Better Business Bureau. We do use the steam cleaning method, which is currently the ONLY approved method of most carpet manufacturers, that will not void your carpet warranty. Our Firm, as well as all of our technicians, are IICRC (Institute of Inspection, Cleaning & Restoration Certification) Certified. Put into effect January 2008, this is also a requirement to maintain your carpet warranty.
One thing we are very proud of, and no doubt has a large part of our excellent customer satisfaction record, is that we have never run an employment ad. All of our office and field team are either family or long time friends of the family. We won’t send anyone into your home that we don’t trust to be alone in ours. You will have a cleaning experience that you expect and deserve. We’ll treat your home and family like we treat ours.
Because we are small, we try to reserve weekends for family. Many of you know us and have worked with us for many years. For those of you who do not, we have 3 daughters (all married) and 5 grandchildren. As you no doubt feel the same, the family is our priority. However, we understand that your schedule may not be the same as ours. If an evening or Saturday appointment is the only time that will work for you, we will accommodate that.
Thank you for your interest in Signature. We look forward to helping you with your cleaning needs. And in the meantime, have a spotting question? Give us a call! We’re always here to help! Just a call or e-mail away…
Signature Carpet Care uses a hot water extraction process to clean your carpets. This method is often called “Steam Cleaning.” This is the cleaning method nearly all carpet manufacturers and carpet fiber producers recommend. Other methods of carpet cleaning may void your warranty. Please refer to your warranty for more information.
Take a look at our Facebook Gallery for before & after pictures!! (This will open a new tab in your browser)
* Pretreatment *
All carpets are pretreated with special cleaning agents that breakdown and suspend the more difficult highly soiled areas for easier removal.
* Pre-spotting *
For the most difficult stains, we have a wide variety of professional spotting agents that are designed not to damage your fabrics or alter the original color.
* Steam Cleaning *
Our truck-mounted and powered, state of art, equipment cleans at 230+ degrees to safely extract soil, stains, and bacteria. There is a delicate balance with water temperature, you want to use hot enough water to obtain optimal cleaning results while not using water that is too hot and can damage the fibers of your carpet.
* Dry Pass *
The final step, which ensures that no soap residue remains and that carpets will generally dry between 3 – 6 hours on average. Depending on the amount of steam needed, certain areas may take longer.
** Furniture Moving **
We do offer the service of moving and replacing your furniture during the cleaning process. Furniture blocks and tabs are provided with no extra charge. However, we find that most of us do not often rearrange our furniture and wish to leave the furniture in place and have us clean around it. In this case, we do offer a discounted rate due to the time that is saved. If you prefer to move items completely off of the carpet before we arrive and the technicians do not have to wait for the furniture to be moved, the discounted price will still apply