Reviewed by - Josephine Craig
Review Given By: Josephine Craig
Date: August 13th, 2019

We moved in to a new home that had pet hair all over the carpets. We called Wow Total Cleaning before we moved in with all our furniture. After they finished, the carpets were still covered in dog hair. And not just a little bit, but A TOOOOOON. Literally every inch of carpet was covered in dog hair as if they didn't even clean. I called them to remedy the situation and they made the excuse that it's probably the air filtration blowing pet hair in the air. No, because there would be pet hair in the blinds, corners, etc. but that's not the case. It was all over the carpet. Although they offered to come back out, they were going to clean in the same exact technique as they previously did. I mean if it didn't work the first time, why are you going to do the same thing AGAIN?? What a waste of time and money. If you're looking to get your carpets rid of pet hair, I suggest you find a different company because Wow Total Cleaning does. not. work.