WOW, what a carpet cleaning deal!”
So you pick up a couple of toys, move some small furniture and vacuum the floors. You’re Ready. The appointment time comes and goes and no one has shown up. You wait. Finally, you call their office and don’t get an answer. So you wait. Finally, you hear a backfire in the distance and a rusty old van comes screeching into your driveway. An unshaven, disheveled man greets you at your door. Against your better judgment, you invite him in and give him a tour of the third largest investment you’ve ever made: Your Carpet. He puts pen to paper and says, “In order to get this clean, we’ll just have to add pre-conditioner.” The price suddenly soars from $80 to $200. Feeling like there’s no alternative, you give him the go ahead. You just want clean carpets for your family and guests.
Forty minutes later, the job is done. He tells you the carpets will look better once it’s dried and the wine stain and a few other spots won’t come out. You pay him and like a whirlwind, he’s gone. What a relief!
Congratulations! You are about to receive the Ultimate in Service and Clean!
The technician begins by pre-vacuuming all areas to be cleaned carefully moving your furniture. He then applies a green cleaning solution and spends time treating any miscellaneous spots or stains. After everything has been pre-conditioned, the carpets are pre-groomed with a carpet rake to loosen traffic area soil. You notice how careful the technician is as he places corner guards at the entrance to your hallway. He cleans the carpet and carefully places your furniture back in place on blocks to protect your carpet. When he has finished the cleaning, he begins grooming the carpet to help it dry faster and to set the nap of the carpet. Finally, he asks you to help him do a post-inspection on the carpet.
It looks absolutely amazing! Spots are gone, traffic areas look like new, and the carpet itself is almost dry. Your home smells clean and healthy. The technician leaves with a smile and the satisfaction of a job well done.
Best of all, you know that even if your guests and their plate of food get slightly tipsy and spill something on the carpet within the next 7 days, Ultimate Carpet Cleaning will be back to take care of it free of charge. Everything looks beautiful. You have peace of mind and the cleanest carpets in Boise that will be envied by all.
From Our Family To Yours:
Boise Idaho Happy family
We created this company for other families like ours. We are sure you want the very best for your family and your home. So do we! Because of that, our cleaning systems have been designed to remove the greatest amount of soil and pollutants from your carpets, upholstery, hard surfaces, and drapes without leaving behind contaminants and sticky residues.
So many cleaning companies use low-end, inexpensive cleaners that if not rinsed properly can actually cause permanent damage or discolor what is being cleaned. They can also cause rapid re-soiling, skin irritation or even worse chemical burns. Like you, we love our kids and pets too much to ever use anything like that. That is why we always use a RESIDUE FREE RINSE. This promotes the cleanest carpets and soft fabrics that actually stay clean!
Not to mention, most cleaning companies in an effort to be profitable rush from home to home, pet soiled home to possibly your home without ever attempting to sanitize their equipment, subsequently, they drag all sorts of unwanted contaminants into your home and you paid them to put them there. That’s just wrong! We always SANITIZE our equipment between each job, guaranteeing that no outside contaminants are introduced to your home.
How To Prepare For The Ultimate In Clean Carpets!
We consider it an honor and privilege to serve your cleaning needs. Thank you for trusting us with your carpet cleaning project. When we’re finished, your home will be sparkling clean, fresh and beautiful – guaranteed! Here are some suggestions for you to prepare that will help both of us:
- Please advise your technician about any special requirements to follow when moving your furniture; weak legs, loose tops, etc.
- Please pick up any scraps of paper or large garbage that our vacuum won’t pick up.
- Please pin up any full-length draperies so that they will be at least 6 inches off the floor.
- Also, please pin up any skirts on upholstered furniture which may be touching the carpet.
- If you need us to move furniture, please remove all breakable items from furniture that will need to be temporarily moved from its regular location for cleaning.
- Any small pieces, such as dining room chairs, magazine racks, floor plants, etc. that you can remove from the carpet to be cleaned will shorten processing time and return the carpet to normal use sooner.
- China cabinets, sectional sofas, entertainment centers, antique and fragile furniture cannot be moved. However, the carpet underneath such items can be hand cleaned where sufficient room is available, or we can edge right around the base.
- Please call your technician's attention to any spots or stains which may require special attention. The more information you can give the technician about the source of the stain will better aid the removal of the stain.
- For your pet’s peace of mind (and ours!) please put them in a safe, quiet place where our cleaning won’t disturb them.
- A special note about odors: We do everything possible to reduce or eliminate pet odors. However, due to the depth of contamination, 100% success may not be attainable. Also, for several days after cleaning you may notice an elevated odor due to higher humidity levels and “off gassing”.
- For safety sake, be sure to keep an extra close eye on your curious little ones.
- Most importantly, if there is anything we can do to make this experience a better one for you, please let us know.
- Thank you for working with us. We look forward to serving you.
Customer Reviews for Ultimate Carpet Cleaning